Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education | CE Transformation Playbook


The Securities Industry/Regulatory Council on Continuing Education (CE Council) has created this playbook to help firms and securities professionals prepare for and take full advantage of changes to the Securities Industry Continuing Education (CE) Program. Some of the changes have already gone into effect as of March 15, 2022. This playbook is a living document that will be updated over time with additional resources as they become available. We invite questions and feedback about CE Transformation—and this playbook—to ensure the content is relevant and comprehensive. 

CE Transformation Overview 

Since 2018, the CE Council has worked with industry stakeholders to implement changes to the Securities Industry CE Program. These changes are designed to create a holistic training program that provides a thorough, streamlined educational experience to registered securities professionals. Our goal is that every individual receives timely, relevant training on new and updated rules and issues applicable to their firm. 

CE Transformation features several changes to CE programs, including: 

• the transition of Regulatory Element training to an annual requirement; 

• registration-based content in the Regulatory Element; 

• the expansion of Firm Element training to all registered individuals; and 

• the creation of the Maintaining Qualifications Program (MQP), which allows individuals leaving the industry to maintain their qualifications through annual CE. 

FINRA announced the effective dates for the relevant rule and program changes in Regulatory Notice 21-41.